Terms of Service

Terms of Service

[Liting Plastic Surgery] Terms of Service

The purpose of this Terms of Service is to observe and regulate the matters and procedures regarding the terms of using the service provided by Liting Plastic Surgery (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) and other matters in accordance with Telecommunications Business Act and Enforcement Decree of the Same Act.

Article 1 (Purpose)

In regard to the use of Liting Plastic Surgery website (hereinafter referred to as “Website”) provided by Liting Plastic Surgery (hereinafter referred to as “Clinic”), the purpose of this Terms of Service is to observe and regulate the rights, duties, responsibilities, and other necessary matters of “Clinic” and member in accordance with Framework Act on Telecommunications Business, Telecommunications Business, Personal Information Protection Act, and Enforcement Decree of the Same Act.

Article 2 (Definition)

① “Service” means the overall website services available for the member regardless of the device (Including wired/wireless devices including PC, TV, mobile device, etc.). ② "Member" means a person who uses the service provided by “Clinic” in consenting to Terms of Service and use of personal information. ③ "ID" means the combination of letters and numbers set by the “Member” and approved by “Clinic” for identification of the “Member” and use of the “Service”. ④ "Password" means the combination of letters or numbers set by the “Member” to verify oneself as “Member Corresponding to ID” granted to “Member” and to protect the confidential information. ⑤ "Post" means the text, photo, video, file, link, etc. in the information format of symbol, character, sound, image, video, etc. text, photo, video, file, link, etc. posted by the “Member” on the service in using “Service”.

Article 3 (Posting and Amendments of Terms of Service)

① This Terms of Service shall be effective upon posting on the website and the “Clinic” may amend this Terms of Service with the extent of not violating the related statutes. ② To amend the Terms of Service, the “Clinic” shall send the member of the notification with the date of application, grounds of application, and current Terms of Service as specified in Paragraph 1 at least 7 days before the application to the day before application of Amended Terms of Service. ③ If the member refuses on application of the Amended Terms of Service, the “Clinic” may not apply the Amended Terms of Service and the member may terminate the Terms of Use. Provided, the “Clinic” may terminate the Terms of Use if any special cause for amendment exists.

Article 4 (Interpretation of Terms of Service)

Matters or interpretations that are not regulated in this Terms of Service shall be governed by the related statutes or commercial practice.

Article 5 (Conclusion of Service Use Contract)

① Service Use Contract shall be concluded when a person who tries to become the “Member” (hereinafter referred to as “Applicant” consents on items of Terms of Service, signs up for membership, and gets approval from “Clinic”. ② ② The "Clinic" shall approve the use of “Service” applied by the “Applicant” in principle. Provided, the “Clinic” may refuse the approval or terminate the Service Use Contract afterwards in any of the following cases 1. Where the applicant has a record of losing the membership in accordance with Terms of Service. Provided, this shall not be applied when the Applicant gets approval on re-joining the membership from “Clinic”; 2. Where the applicant used a false name or name of others; 3. Where the applicant filled out false information or omitted the items required by “Clinic”; 4. Where the applicant under the age of 14 years didn’t obtain consent from the legal representative (parents, etc.); 5. When the “Clinic” cannot approve due to reasons attributable to user or when applicant violated other regulated matters.

Article 6 (Duties of Personal Information Protection)

The “Clinic” endeavors to protect the personal information of the “Member” as regulated in related statutes including “Act on Promotion of Information Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection” and “Personal Information Protection Act”. In regard to protection and use of the personal information, the “Clinic” applies related Acts and Privacy Policy of the “Clinic”. Provided, the Privacy Policy of the “Clinic” shall not be applied on linked websites other than the official website of the “Clinic”

Article 7 (Notification to "Member")

① When the “Clinic” notifies the “Member”, the “Clinic” may send e-mail unless otherwise regulated in this Terms of Service. ② The "Clinic" may post a notification on the bulletin board of the “Clinic” for at least 7 days as a substitution for the notification in Paragraph 1.

Article 8 (Duties of “Member”)

① The "Member" shall not perform any of the following acts 1. Registering false information during application or changes; 2. Stealing information of others; 3. Changing information posted by the "Clinic"; 4. Sending or posting information (computer program, etc.) other than regulated by the “Clinic”; 5. Infringing the intellectual property rights such as the copyright of the “Clinic” and other Third Parties; 6. Damaging reputation or disturbing the business of “Clinic” and other Third Parties; 7. Disclosing or posting indecent or violent message, clip, voice, and information against the public order on the “Service”; 8. Using the “Service” commercially without a prior consent of the “Clinic”; 9. Other illegal or wrongful acts. ② The “Member” shall observe regulations of this Terms of Service, use guideline, and cautions notified regarding “Service”, and matters notified by “Clinic” and shall not disturb other businesses of the “Clinic”.

Article 9 (Duties of “Clinic”)

① The “Clinic” shall not perform any acts prohibited by related Acts and this Terms of Service or against public order. The “Clinic” shall also endeavor to provide “Service” continuously and stably. ② The “Clinic” shall have a security system to protect the personal information (including credit information) for the safe use of the “Service” by the “Member”. The “Clinic” shall also notify and observe the Privacy Policy. ③ The “Clinic” shall handle the service-related opinion or complaint of “Member” when it is deemed valid. The “Company” shall send the “Member” of the handling process and result for the opinion and complaint via the e-mail or registered contacts.

Article 10 (Provision and Change of Service)

① ① The “Clinic” provides following services. 1. Appointment service provided via website; 2. Online consulting service provided via website; 3. Medical information service provided via website; 4. Other services specified by the “Clinic” ② The “Service” shall be provided 24 hours a day throughout the year in principle. ③ The “Clinic” may suspend provision of the “Service” temporarily in cases of maintenance, replacement, breakdown of information and communications facilities such as computer, communication disconnection, or other significant operational reasons. In this case, the “Clinic” shall notify the “Member” under the means regulated in Article 7 [Notification to “Member”]. Provided, the “Clinic” may notify the “Member” afterwards if any unavoidable reason exist. ④ The “Clinic” may carry out a regular inspection when necessary for the provision of service and the regular maintenance time shall be as notified in the Service Provision Screen. ⑤ The “Clinic” may change the whole or part of the provided “Service” for operational or technical needs if any reasonable grounds exist. ⑥ The “Clinic” may correct, suspend, or change the whole or part of the free service for the policy and operational needs of the “Clinic” and the “Clinic” shall not provide a separate compensation to the “Member” unless otherwise regulated in the related Acts.

Article 11 (Charge for Use of Service)

① The service is free for all people registered as “Member” ② When the “Clinic” converts free service to charged service, the “Clinic” shall notify the period, policy, and cost of the charged service before conversion to the charging the service.

Article 12 (Appointment Service)

① The “Member” may use the Appointment Service via website. ② All members shall keep a good faith for the appointment. ③ In regard to all possible losses during the Appointment Service, the “Clinic” shall not be liable for civil and criminal liabilities except for intentional cases or gross negligence.

Article 13 (Online Consulting Service)

① The online consulting service shall not replace any medical acts such as actual treatment, diagnosis, and surgery in any cases. ② The “Clinic” shall actively endeavor to keep the security and prevent leakage of consulting details to the Third Party other than the doctor and service manager. Provided, the “Clinic” shall not be liable for disclosure and loss of the consulting details in any of the following cases 1. When the password is leaked due to negligence of the member; 2. When the member deletes the consulting records; 3. When it is inevitable for natural disaster or other grounds ③ The consulting in the website may be used for following purposes under a form by which a specific individual cannot be identified. 1. Where it is necessary for compiling statistics or scientific research purposes; 2. Where special provisions exist in any other Act; 3. Where it is necessary for utilization as basic material for FAQ and operation of the “Clinic” ④ The answers provided during consulting are the subjective answers made by the medical knowledge of each doctor and the answers do not represent the opinion of the service. ⑤ The “Clinic” may refuse to provide the whole or part of the consulting service in any of the following cases 1. Where the same member repeatedly applies for consulting with the same contents; 2. Where the applicant applies for consulting by using the expressions against the common sense; 3. Where the applicant applies for consulting that requires diagnosis; 4. Where the applicant applies for consulting on treatment fee, examination fee, and drug price; 5. Where the applicant asks questions to confirm on the matters from other clinics; 6. Where the applicant slanders or damages reputation of clinic or doctors without specific reasons;

Article 14 (Medical Information Service)

① Information provided in the service is the general information and it is provided only to provide information. The information or consulting provided in the service shall not replace the medical diagnosis. The information or consulting provided in the service is not designed to replace the medical diagnosis or medical treatment. In case of concerns or worries about the health condition, visit and consult with an actual doctor in person. Do not ignore medical diagnosis or defer diagnosis and treatment for the information provided in the service in any cases. ② The “Clinic” does not recommend specific test, product, or treatment method mentioned in the service. The personal information expressed in the service does not represent the opinion of the “Clinic”. ③ Accepting the information of service, opinions of doctors involved in service, or opinions of other members and visitors using the service fully depends on the decision of the user. Thus, the “Clinic” shall not be liable for the damages, losses, or other disadvantages caused by utilization of certain product, information, idea, or instruction provided to the “Member”.

Article 15 (Copyrights)

① The copyright and other intellectual property rights for the works prepared by the “Clinic” shall be vested in the “Clinic”. ② The “Member” shall not use the information obtained from using the website for commercial purposes including revision, copy, transfer, publication, broadcasting, or other methods, or have the Third Party use the information.

Article 16 (Management of “Posts")

① When the “Post” of the “Member” includes matters that violates the related Acts such as “Act on Promotion of Information Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection” and “Copyright Act”, the right holder may request on temporary take down or deletion of the “Post” under the procedures regulated by the related Acts and the “Clinic” shall take measures according to the related Acts. ② Where there exist grounds deemed to infringe the rights or violate the related Acts and policies of “Clinic”, the “Clinic” may take a temporary measure on the “Post” according to the policy and related Act " even without the request of the right holder as in the previous Paragraph.

Article 17 (Cancellation and Termination of Contract)

① The “Member” may apply for cancellation of the Service Use Contract at any time in the Information Management Menu in the initial service screen and the “Clinic” shall handle this matter as regulated by the related Acts. ② When the “Member” cancels the Service Use Contract, all data of the “Member” shall be destroyed immediately after cancellation unless the “Clinic” holds the personal information in accordance with related Acts and Privacy Policy. ③ When the “Member” cancels the Service Use Contract, the “Post” uploaded by the “Member”, “Post re-uploaded by others, and “Post” uploaded in the open bulletin board are not deleted. The “Member” shall delete the “Post” before withdrawing the membership. ④ The “Clinic” may terminate the Service Use Contract immediately without a prior notification or suspend the service use for the certain period in any of the following cases 1. Violating against public order and custom; 2. Getting involved in criminal acts; 3. Planning or using the service for the purpose of harming the national interest or social good; 4. Stealing ID and password of others; 5. Damaging reputation of others or causing disadvantages; 6. Registering again with different ID; 7. Disturbing the sound use by damaging the service, etc.; 8. Violating against the conditions of use regulated by other related statutes or the “Clinic”.

Article 18 (Limitation on Liability)

① The “Clinic” shall be exempted from the liability to provide the “Service” when the “Service” cannot be provided due to natural disasters or force majeure. ② The "Clinic" shall not be liable for the “Service” error caused by the reason attributable to the “Member”. ③ The “Clinic” shall not be liable for the reliability and accuracy of the information, material, and fact posted by the “Member” in regard to the “Service”. ④ The “Clinic” shall be exempted from the liability when the transactions have been made between “Members” or between “Member” and the Third Party in the “Service”. ⑤ The “Clinic” shall not be liable for the use of free service unless otherwise special regulations exist in the related Acts.

Article 19 (Settlement of Dispute and Jurisdiction)

① The dispute over the problems regarding the use of the service other than regulated in this Terms of Service shall be settled under the mutual consent. ② In case of filing action on the dispute that occurred from use of service, the court having a jurisdiction over the location of the “Clinic” shall be the competent court.


① This Terms of Service shall enter into force on January 1, 2020. ② The previous Terms of Service shall be replaced by this Terms of Service as of January 1, 2020.


5th Floor, 119, Dosan-daero,
Gangnam-gu, Seoul
(Exit 8 of Line 3 Sinsa Station)

Opening hours

Mon/Wed/Thursday:AM10:00~PM 7:00
Tue/Fri:10:00~9:00 (night time)