Sagging starting from the eyes
Beginning of aging

Do you have these concerns?

Sagging eyelids
Sagging eyelids
Disappearing double eyelids
Disappearing double eyelids
Deepened wrinkles around the eyes
Deepened wrinkles around the eyes

As we age, muscle function declines or skin sags, causing the eyelids to block our vision, giving us a sluggish look.

When are brow lifts more effectiv than

forehead lifts or upper/lower blepharoplasty?
  • CASE 1

    When the skin around
    the eyes is thick

    目の皮膚が 厚い場合
  • CASE 2

    When the distance between the eyes and eyebrows is far

    目と眉毛の間が 遠い場合
  • CASE 3

    When the eyelids are droopy and have double wrinkles

    まぶたがたれて 新たな二重ラインができた場合
  • CASE 4

    When the double eyelids are buried in the eyelids


Brow lifts that naturally changes
to my eyelines when I was young

What’s Eyebrow Lifting?

Eyebrow lifting involves incision and pulling of saggy skin around eyebrows to lift the saggy eyelid, improve sight, strengthen the power of opening eyes, and prevent eyelashes from poking the eyes.

This lifting treatment solves eye inconvenience and improves look at the same time. The biggest difference from upper eyelid treatment is the extent of incision. The upper eyelid treatment makes lines above eyelashes while eyebrow lifting involves incision along eyebrow lines. Therefore, eyebrow lifting is often performed when patients already have double eyelids.

Brow Lifts
Before & After

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

* Due to aging, muscle function declines or skin sags, causing the eyelids to block the vision, creating a sluggish impression.


Brow lift is

  • POINT. 1
    Removes sagging skin and fat and pulls the levator palpebrae superioris muscle to improve the fundamental cause of sagging eyelids
  • POINT. 2
    Reduces scars with micro-incisions without excessive incisions, and creates a clean incision site with precise suturing that leaves no traces
  • POINT. 3
    Lift-specialized medical staff performs a more harmonious surgery depending on the sagging skin and eye shape
처진 눈매, 처진 볼살, 처진 턱살, 팔자주름, 페이스라인

Brow Lift Surgery Method

  • 手術プランの診断


    Diagnosis of surgery plan

  • たるみに合わせて眉毛ラインを切開


    Incision of eyebrow line according to degree of sagging

  • たるんだ肌や脂肪又はまたは眼輪筋の除去


    Removal of sagging skin and fat or orbicularis oculi muscle

  • 皮膚と上眼瞼挙筋を丁寧に縫合


    Precise suture of skin and levator palpebrae superioris muscle

  • ぱっちりとした目元の完成


    Completion of clear eyes

*Surgery method and extent of incision may vary depending on the patient’s degree of brow sagging and wrinkle.

Long Lasting! Great Effect! Better procedures/surgeries together

  • The beginning of a cool and bright impression! Forehead lift

    Go to
  • Bright and lively under the eyes! Lower blepharoplasty/
    Fat repositioning
    in lower eyelid

    Go to
  • Facial LiftUpper Blepharoplasty

    Go to
  • Strong care for the center of the face!Mid-face Lift

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