Because the speed of aging is different
for each area

At some point, the smile lines, forehead wrinkles, and sagging jawline become visible.
“The area” that keeps getting noticed

Is it right to pull the entire face with the same intensity just because a certain area is severely aging?

LITING thought about it.

"Let’s perform lifts that suit each area."

Because our speed of aging is different, we start custom lift for each area, Hermix Lifting..

Hermix Lifting at a glance

  • Efficient treatment/surgery possible according to the degree of aging of each area

  • Reduce unnecessary surgery to save cost and time

  • Natural yet powerful effect

  • Lifting can also be customized Wide range of choices

What is Hermix Lifting?

LITING’s Hermix Lifting divided the face into the upper, middle, and lower parts

Then, depending on the degree of aging, we organized a step-by-step lifting from mini-lifting with small incisions to large-scale lifting with larger incisions that can provide wide improvements.

This allows us to customize Liting's various lifting procedures/surgeries according to the degree of aging in each area,

resulting in more suitable lifting results for each individual.

  • Mini

    When sagging and wrinkles are not severe or you are concerned about scars

  • Basic

    When aging has begun in earnest and sagging is getting worse and fine wrinkles are increasing

  • Total

    When aging is severe and deep wrinkles are visible and complex causes improvement is needed

Mini Magic Eye Lift
Magic Eye Lifting

Pull up droopy eyes with thread lift without incisions to naturally improve clear eyes

Basic Magic Eye + Brow Lift
Magic Eye + Eyebrow Surgery

After making an incision below or above the eyebrow, pull up the droopy skin and excise the remaining skin to simultaneously improve droopy eyebrows and droopy eyelids

Total Forehead Lift
Forehead Lifting Surgery

After peeling the forehead skin along the hairline, pull up the skin, excise the remaining skin, and suture it, effectively improving deep forehead wrinkles and droopy eyes

Upper face improvement areas of
Hermix Lifting

Sagging eyes, sagging eyebrows, forehead wrinkles

Change from a stuffy and gloomy impression to a bright and cheerful impression

Mini Quick Mini Lift
Quick Mini Lifting

Fix the skin with a dissolvable thread after a incision of less than 0.5 cm. Pull up the mid-face, so there is no need to worry about scars or recovery providing quick effect

Basic Smile Mini Lift
Smile Mini Lifting

Broaden the mid-face with a small hidden incision near the sideburns, improving smile lines and sagging cheekbones

Total Long-lasting Lift
Long Lasting Lifting

A surgery that combines Smile Mini Lift with TESS thread, which features strong tensile strength and long-lasting power

Middle face improvement areas of
Hermix Lifting's

Sagging cheekbone lines, nasolabial folds, sunken cheeks

Changes to a younger-looking impression by adding firmness and volume

Mini Mini V Lift
Mini V Lifting

A small incision is made under or behind the ear, and the lower face is pulled up, so there is no need to worry about scar recovery, and it is fast and effective

Basic Mini V + Liposuction
Mini V + Liposuction

Face liposuction, which reduces unnecessary fat, can effectively improve double chins

Total V-neck (VN) Lift
VN (V Neck) Lifting

A VN-shaped incision is made under the ear and along the back of the neck hairline, and then the jawline and neck wrinkles are simultaneously improved

Lower face improvement areas of
Hermix Lifting

Double chin, rugged jawline, neck wrinkles

Change to a sharp and clean image by organizing sagging facial lines

Before & After

  • case 1 before
    case 1 after
    After 2months

    Solution : Mini Lift + Facial Liposuction + Epiticon 8 lines

  • case 2 before
    case 2 after
    After 2months

    Solution : Smile Mini Lift + Brow Lift + Unlimited Thread + Benefit Injection

  • case 3 before
    case 3 after
    After 2months

    Solution : V-Neck (VN) Lift + Facial Liposuction + Benefit Booster

  • case 4 before
    case 4 after
    After 2months

    Solution : V-Neck (VN) Lift + Benefit Injection + Ultracol

HerMix Lifting Recommended for

  • 01

    Those who need lift that matches the aging intensity of each area

  • 02

    Those who need lifts focused on a specific area

  • 03

    Those who haven't found the lift surgery that's right for them

  • 04

    Those who haven't seen results from existing lifting procedures/surgeries

  • 05

    Those who want to save time and money by not doing unnecessary lifts

LITING performs the right surgery. for each individual.

Lifting Surgery

Excessive surgery for the sake of effect alone can cause side effects.

Pulling and cutting a lot does not necessarily mean good results. If excessive skin is removed, blood circulation may decrease, causing necrosis in the suture area, and if the skin is pulled excessively, the facial expression may appear unnatural and awkward.

Therefore, it is important to cut and pull the skin and fascia appropriately within a safe range depending on the skin and fascia.