Privacy Policy

Terms of Use

[Liting Plastic Surgery] Privacy Policy

Liting Plastic Surgery (hereinafter referred to as “Clinic”) values personal information of customers and the personal information will be treated legally and properly to protect the rights and interests of the information subject. The Clinic complies with the related Acts including Framework Act on Telecommunications, Telecommunications Business Act, Personal Information Protection Act, and Enforcement Decree of Personal Information Protection Act.

■ Personal Information to be Collected

1. “Clinic” collects following personal information for sign-up, smooth customer consulting, and provision of various services. [Items Collected for Sign-Up] - Collected Items: Name, ID, Password, Email, Sex, Contact - Member Under Age of 14 Years : Information of legal representative (Resident registration number of IPIN number, cell phone number) [Items Collected for Consultation Application] - Collected Items : Name, Contact, Sex, Age, Region, Interested Area, Consulting Hours - Other Information : Visiting information, prescription information, medical treatment information, and card payment information including card company name and card number 2. Method of Personal Information Collection - Homepage, online consulting, call consulting, Kakao Talk consulting, real-time consulting, Consulting application, document format, FAX, phone number, bulletin board, email 3. Following information may be automatically created and collected in the process of using the service - IP address, cookie, access time, record on use of service, and record on wrong use of service

■ Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

The “Clinic” does not use the personal information for the purposes other than the following purposes and the “Clinic” obtains a prior consent in cases of changes in purpose of using the personal information 1. Provision of Service - Treatment Information : Provide diagnosis and treatment service and patient service on charge, payment, and refund - Reservation Information : The information is used for identification for use of other services including appointment arrangement and appointment schedule inspection - Consulting Information : Customer treatment consulting and notification via phone, text message, or Kakao Talk - Others : Procurement of smooth communication means for notification on Clinic’s information and disease information, survey, and complaint settlement via text message and social networking services, etc 2. Identification for use of member management service personal identification, prevention of wrongful use and unauthorized use by the member who violated related statutes, confirmation on consent from the legal representative in collecting the personal information of the member under the age of 14 years, identification of the legal representative, preservation of records for dispute settlement, customer complaint handling, delivery of notification, provision of various information for member management, delivery of news, survey; 3. Utilization in new service development, marketing, and advertisement - Development of new service and provision of customized service. Provision of event and advertisement information and opportunity to participate - When participating in the vent promotion or using the optional service, the “Clinic” may collect following information under the separate consent from the member · Cell phone number, email address, address, sex, region · cell phone number of the third person registered in the member’s cell phone (This is limited to service applied with social community features and the cell phone number of the third person is not saved separately) · Credit card number, cell phone number, and ID and password of the voucher affiliate (This is limited to a member using the charged service)

■ Period of Management and Retention of Personal Information

The “Clinic” holds and uses the personal information of the User to provide the service throughout the period of using the service as the member of the “Clinic”. In accomplishing the purpose of collecting and using the personal information or deleting, correcting, or withdrawing the membership by the User, the personal information of the User is destroyed in measures where personal information cannot be restored. Provided, the following information shall be preserved for the specified period for the following reasons. - If it is necessary to preserve the personal information according to the related statutes including Commercial Act and Act on The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc., the “Clinic” may hold the personal information of the member for the certain period specified in the related statutes. In this case, the “Clinic” shall use the held information for the intended purpose and the preservation period shall be as follows [Sign-Up Information] Information provided upon signing up shall be destroyed upon withdrawing the membership or getting expelled from the membership. Provided, even after accomplishing the purpose of collecting and providing the personal information, the “Clinic” may hold the personal information of the member when the preservation of the information is necessary according to the related statutes including Commercial Act. - Record on Consumer Complaint or Dispute Handling : 3 years (Act on The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.) - Record on Collection/Handling and Use of Credit Information : 3 years (Credit Information Use and Protection Act) - Record on Access to Website : 3 months (Protection of Communications Secrets Act) [Consulting Application Information] The “Clinic” may hold consulting application information for 5 years from the collecting date or until accomplishing the purpose of consulting. Provided, even after accomplishing the purpose of collecting and providing the personal information, the “Clinic” may hold the personal information of the member when the preservation of the information is necessary according to the related statutes including Commercial Act. - Record on Consumer Complaint and Dispute Handling : 3 years (Act on The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.) - Record on Collection/Handling and Use of Credit Information : 3 years (Credit Information Use and Protection Act) - Record on Visit to Clinic : 3 months (Protection of Communications Secrets Act) - Record on Identification: 6 months (Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc.)

■ Provision and Entrustment of Personal Information to Third Party

The “Clinic” entrusts the personal information as follows for the better service and the “Clinic” regulates necessary matters in the entrustment contract for the safe management of the personal information according to the related statutes. The entrusted agency and entrusted affairs are as follows. - Entrusted Agency : Liting Labs Co.,Ltd. - Entrusted Affairs: Operation and management of website, delivery of event and advertisement information, and computer management service - Period of Personal Information Management and Retention: Until withdrawal from membership or expiration of entrustment contract

■ Right to Reject Consent and Disadvantages Due to Rejection to Give Consent

※ Above information is the minimum information required for using the service provided by “Liting Plastic Surgery”. You may use the service after giving the consent.


5th Floor, 119, Dosan-daero,
Gangnam-gu, Seoul
(Exit 8 of Line 3 Sinsa Station)

Opening hours

Mon/Wed/Thursday:AM10:00~PM 7:00
Tue/Fri:10:00~9:00 (night time)