Drooping eye lifting This surgery can be improved by lifting the drooping eyes with a clear and bright impression.

  • 리프팅 주사 모델사진

    Upper eyelid/eyebrow lifting effective for improving droopy eyelid Eyelash poking, old look,
    obstruction of vision
    Upper eyelid
    / Eyebrow lifting

    It can treat the causes of drooping eyelids and even improve functional problems such as correcting the eye
    securing vision, and strengthening the power to open the eyes.

  • Procedure/operation goes well with upper eyelid/eyebrow lifting

    • 미니리프팅
    • 안면거상
    • 레이저리프팅
    • 실 리프팅


5th Floor, 119, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
(Exit 8 of Line 3 Sinsa Station)

Opening hours

Mon/Wed/Thursday: 10:00 – PM 7:00
Tue/Fri: 10:00 – PM 9:00 (night time)
Sat: AM 10:00 – PM 4:00