Powerful skin tightening
with no damage

It penetrates deep into the dermis layer, contracts and regenerates collagen, and has a tightening effect. It has an automatic adjustment algorithm that automatically adjusts energy, so there is less skin damage and less pain.


Procedure Information

  • Procedure timeAbout 30 minutes

  • Pain levelMinor pain

  • Recovery periodQuick return to
    daily life possible

  • Anesthesia methodOintment anesthesia/Sleep anesthesia

  • DurationAbout 6 months - 1 year(may vary from person to person)

Thermage FLX Procedure Effect

With automatic tuning for each shot, the optimal high-frequency energy is delivered to each area, and collagen fibers are degenerated and contracted to achieve collagen regeneration and fine wrinkle improvement effects.

  • 01 If you are concerned about fine wrinkles and deep wrinkles?

    Fill in every gap with collagen and tighten up all layers of the skin

  • 02 If you are worried about the treatment pain?

    Skin damage and pain are reduced with the automatic adjustment algorithm

  • 03 If you are concerned about the maintenance period?

    Fast procedure time and longer maintenance period