Beginning of Aging Sagging Muscles and Skin Around the Eyes

As we age, the muscles and skin under the eyes that used to cover the fat sag, causing aesthetic and functional problems.

When is lower blepharoplasty/
fat repositioning in lower eyelid

more effective than upper blepharoplasty and brow lift?

1 When the lower eyelid is uneven due to fat under the eyes
2 When there are many wrinkles under the eyes
3 When there are severely dark eyebags
5 When the tear trough is deep

We recommend lower blepharoplasty for middle-aged people.

Solve everything from impression changes to functional problems at once

LITING’s lower blepharoplasty, if the area under the eyes is dark due to eyebags, or if the area under the eyes is puffy or saggy due to skin aging, creates a tight and bright impression.

  • CASE. 1

    Eyes with severely
    dark eyebags
  • CASE. 2

    Eyes with puffy areas
    under the eyes
  • CASE. 3

    Eyes with sagging skin
    under the eyes
  • CASE. 4

    Eyes with severe wrinkles
    around the eyes
  • CASE. 5

    Eyes with deep
    tear troughs

What is the difference between
lower blepharoplasty and
fat repositioning in lower eyelid?

Lower blepharoplasty
This is a surgery that cuts out the sagging skin area along with the puffy fat pocket under the eye, pulls it up, fixes it, and sutures it.
Fat repositioning
in lower eyelid
This is a surgery that removes and repositions fat through the inner conjunctiva of the lower eyelid, making the puffy fat pocket area flat and smooth.

If the lower eyelid is uneven due to fat
under the eye during lower blepharoplasty,
fat repositioning in lower eyelid is performed at the same time.

Lower Blepharoplasty
Before & After

* Please be careful as unexpected side effects such as inflammation, bleeding, and infection may occur after surgery.

Customized surgery performed after precise analysis considering the
shape of the face and the shape of the under-eye area

The incision line varies depending on the wrinkles around the eyes and
the distribution of fat under the eyes
, and a customized
design is performed after a 1:1 consultation for satisfactory results.

Why is the lower
blepharoplasty/fat repositioning in lower eye
at Liting Plastic Surgery so special?

  • POINT. 1
    A scar that is barely visible due to a micro-incision just below the eyelashes!
  • POINT. 2
    Not only does it remove fat, but it also improves wrinkles and eyebags around the eyes
  • POINT. 3
    Preserves the three-dimensionality and shape of the undereye area
  • POINT. 3
    Improves old-looking face by bringing out the aegyo-sal(eye love band) under the eyes

Surgery Information

  • Surgery timeAbout 1-2 hours

  • Pain levelMinor pain

  • Recovery periodAbout 7-14 days

  • Anesthesia methodSleep anesthesia

  • DurationAbout 5 years(may vary from person to person)

Surgery method of lower blepharoplasty/fat repositioning in lower eyelid

The incision line is designed according to the degree of wrinkles, sagging, and eye shape,
and if the lower eyelid is bulging due to fat under the eye,
fat repositioning in the lower eyelid is performed at the same time.

TYPE. 1 Lower blepharoplasty

  • step 01


    Surgical Plan Diagnosis

  • step 02


    Incision line design before surgery

  • step 03


    Removal of sagging muscles and loose skin

  • step 04


    Precise suture of incision area

  • step 05


    Completion of clear eyes

TYPE. 2 Lower blepharoplasty (+Fat repositioning in lower eyelid)

  • step 01


    Surgical Plan Diagnosis

  • step 02


    After making a fine incision on the inner conjunctiva, some fat is removed

  • step 03


    After repositioning the fat in the sunken area under the eye, sagging skin is removed

  • step 04


    The incision area is sutured precisely

  • step 05


    A clear eye shape is completed

* The surgical method and incision range may vary depending on the patient's skin sagging and wrinkles.

Long Lasting! Great Effect! Better procedures/surgeries together

  • Facial LiftUpper Blepharoplasty

    Go to
  • Enhance duration with various lasers! Brow lift

    Go to
  • The beginning of a cool and bright impression! Forehead lift

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  • Strong care for the center of the face!Mid-face Lift

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