Cause of Looking Old, Sagging Eyes

The most important body part that determines the first impression, the upper face Fat loss and muscle sagging due to aging have a major impact on the shape of the eyes in particular.

From a dark impression to difficulty securing the vision due to the pupil being obscured, both aesthetic and functional aspects deteriorate at the same time, causing aging to begin relatively quickly.

Sagging eyes caused by a variety of complex phenomena must be improved after clearly identifying the cause.

before:全般的に たるみ下がった皮膚, after:上昇型肌による 印象改善

Sagging eyes, how do we improve them?

Liting Plastic Surgery Clinic conducts a customized lift plan through accurate analysis of the cause of sagging eyes for each patient and communication according to the direction desired by the patient.

Types of LITING’s eye surgery for middle age
  • Upper Blepharoplasty

    • Sagging eye fat and muscle Overall sagging eyelids

  • Lower Blepharoplasty

    • Uneven under-eyes Dark eyebags

  • Sub Brow Lift

    • If you do not want double eyelids Distance between eyes and eyebrows is wide.

  • Forehead Lift

    • Deep forehead wrinkles Close distance between eyes and eyebrows

Cases that upper blepharoplasty is more suitable

than forehead lift or brow lift

  • CASE. 1

    If the tail of the eye is drooping and covering the eye
  • CASE. 2

    If sagging eyelid skin obstructs the field of view
  • CASE. 3

    If the eyes are sagging without double eyelids
  • CASE. 4

    If you want to improve a tired impression due to sagging eyelids

Upper Blepharoplasty is recommended for

  • 1

    Those whose sagging skin covers the corner of the eye and causes the skin to become musculated

  • 2

    Those whose sagging eyelids cover the pupil, making it difficult to secure the vision

  • 3

    Those whose skin does not have double eyelids but is thin

  • 4

    Those who want to improve a dark and tired impression

What is Upper Blepharoplasty?

This is a surgery to improve the orbicularis oculi muscle, which is the fundamental cause of sagging eyelids.

The orbicularis oculi muscle is a muscle that closes the eyelids, and when the elasticity of the orbicularis oculi muscle decreases, the skin sags, causing the fundamental cause of sagging eyelids.

Upper blepharoplasty removes sagging eyelid skin and fat tissue and strongly fixes the orbicularis oculi muscle to improve the strength of opening the eyes and beautifully change the eyes.

Upper Blepharoplasty
Before & After

* 手術後、予期せぬ炎症、出血、感染などの副作用が発生することがあるので注意が必要です。


が特 別な理由!

  • POINT. 1
    たるんだ皮膚を 適切に切除し、 個別にカスタマイズした切除方法で安全に皮膚を除去
  • POINT. 2
    たるみの改善によって機能面 だけでなく、 目の形を整えることで美的な面も改善
  • POINT. 3
    皮膚に対する理解度の高い リフティングのベテラン医療スタッフが安全に施術

Upper Blepharoplasty Information

  • Surgery timeAbout 1-2 hours

  • Pain levelMinor pain

  • Recovery periodAbout 2 weeks

  • Anesthesia methodSleep anesthesia

  • DurationAbout 5 years or more

Upper Blepharoplasty Method

  • step 01


    Analysis of the cause of sagging eyes before surgery

  • step 02


    Design of incision line according to the degree of sagging and eye shape

  • step 03


    Removal of sagging skin and fat and fixation of orbicularis oculi muscle

  • step 04


    Precisely suture the incised skin and upper blepharoplasty

  • step 05


    Completion of clear eyes

*The surgical method and incision range may vary depending on the degree of sagging skin and wrinkles of the patient.

Long Lasting! Great Effect! Better procedures/surgeries together

  • Enhance duration with various lasers! Brow lift

    Go to
  • Bright and lively under the eyes! Lower blepharoplasty/
    Fat repositioning
    in lower eyelid

    Go to
  • Strong care for the center of the face!Mid-face Lift

    Go to
  • The beginning of a cool and bright impression! Forehead lift

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